1. My team got a lot of good work done for our clients. We advocated capitalizing on today’s low interest rates by reducing the term of a mortgage. Dozens took our advice and millions of dollars in payments were eliminated. Details on this program are located here.
2. I got licensed to lend in 6 additional states and am now able to serve clients across multiple borders.
3. I visited several cities to take on additional training, and build new relationships to serve clients better.
These things were good. But there are things that can be better as well. They are the basis for my business resolutions in 2013.
1. The market is tough. Get over it. I have said this to many clients over the last year, hung up with them and then set about complaining about you name it in no particular order, Fannie Mae, processing, Freddie Mac, underwriting, Current Loan servicing companies, big banks, the clients who aren’t “getting it”, realtors, attorneys, home inspectors, guidelines. You get the point. First on the list. I’m over it.
2. The new year is always a great time to review your systems. Mine are good, not great. So 4 big areas will get looked at for improvement. 1. Lead Generation. 2. Speed in delivery of solutions. 3. Post Closing follow up. All of these will help me better show my clients how important they are to me.
3. I’ll update this site at least three times a week. It was a big investment in 2012. And you know the old saying, use it or lose it.
You may ask yourself, where did all of this come from? I reread this book:
Buy it. Read it. If you own it, reread it. It’s worth it.