About Me

I’ve been in the mortgage business since 1992. Over the years I have worked as a call center Loan Officer, Regional Manager, Broker Owner, Real Estate Investor and Marketing Director. Currently I’m a “Producing Manager”. That means that I work directly with borrowers and keep my hands in the transactions that my team and I are working on. In my opinion, this is the best way to close loans and serve borrowers.

I use my experience to help folks get the right mortgage product for their specific situation. Like fingerprints, everyone’s personal finances are unique and require a mortgage tailored to them individually. Though I am learning every day, there is very little new to me at this point in my career. I’m reasonably confident that your transaction won’t present anything I haven’t seen before and don’t have the answers to. This helps us close your loan with a minimum of stress to our borrowers & business partners.

I work differently than most mortgage lenders. I have been doing this for too long to BS people. So I am radically transparent about three things. First the numbers, I don’t lowball rates, fees or costs and hope to “work through it” later. Borrowers get the straight scoop, upfront. Second, I always tell you about any challenges I can foresee in getting a loan approved. There are always challenges and I won’t pretend they don’t exist. Nor attempt to hide them until they are magically solved and then appear from behind the curtain to tell you what a great job we did. Finally, I show the numbers, and let the borrower choose. I never want anyone to leave a closing feeling like they have been sold, instead of chosen, their next mortgage.

My goal on this site is to create insightful, relevant content that can help you with your personal finances. If you are in the mortgage and real estate market today — then I can help.