Sales Cures All

I spent a ton of time the last ten days dealing with a few things. First I took last week off as my kids were on spring break. In getting ready for that I was working on a few loans with problems, challenges and issues. I also have been spending a bit of time on some “big picture” planning issues with my business that have had me doing a few things that I don’t normally spend time on. I lost two business days to a site visit to the east coast.

All of this gets to my main point. I looked at my production report for March and though I got many things “checked off” my list last month, selling and closing enough loans for my goals and objectives was not one of them.

Shame on me, I’ll own it and that is fine. But the lesson here is the same for me as it is for everyone else: sales cures all and if/when you get busy with a bunch of other “business stuff” you better tend to sales.

Nobody has anything to do until someone sells something!