Recruiters…You Are Doing It Wrong

Financial Stress One of my pet peeves in life is bad recruiting. I guess it’s a pet peeve because it never goes away. In the mortgage business, someone promising greener grass is only a mouse click away. But what a mess.

I am writing this on a Tuesday morning at ten o’clock. Since Monday morning, I have had four separate recruiters ask to connect with me on LinkedIn. I have never spoke to any of them before in my life. Don’t know them, don’t know their companies. Just random pings on LinkedIn. Oh, and I got an email from another. Looks like an average week in my inbox for stupid recruiting.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand the business and like many others, there is a constant recruiting battle going on. But my experience tells me that just because people are “recruitable” in the market today, does not mean that randomly hitting up people on LinkedIn is the way to reach them.

Like everything else in our business, pick the the phone. I may not take your call, or I may be short if you don’t have value to add right away, but you have no chance of emailing or “LinkedIn”ing me into changing companies. Just like I cannot email my way into Realtors, Financial Planners or Attorneys referring me their mortgage business.

I have connected with two recruiters over the last 5 years. Both of them got me on the phone and had something to say.

Good luck with the rest of it.

Stepping off my soapbox now.