The Truth About “Holidays”

Photo on 10-21-13 at 9.52 AMAt the risk of annoying some, I am letting you in on a little self serving secret today. I am working. Many people have the day off, and that is the point, there is work to do and I plan to be in the way to get some of that work myself.

We all know that there are six major holidays in the United States. New Years, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving & Christmas. Those days, I’m not working.

However, I run a small business that needs to be fed, and keep producing every day. You know what most people to with these secondary holidays, like today, Martin Luther King Day, President’s day, Columbus Day, Friday after Thanksgiving and a few others? I’ll tell you, they are taking their day off to follow up/start/finalize the mortgage, insurance, real estate stuff that they have been meaning to get to.

When everyone else is working on their punch list, my phone rings. These are some of my busiest days of the year. When there is work to be done, go get in it! Conversely, if a mortgage is on your list, pick up the phone and call. I can get back to you before Tuesday, unlike my competition!